Dentists serving Stratford, Trumbull & Bridgeport CT
If you are looking for a dentist just between Stratford, Trumbull and Bridgeport CT, look no further. We welcome new patients! We provide general dentistry, as well as cosmetic dentistry, such as (but not limited to): porcelain veneers & bridges, Invisalign braces, dental implants and teeth whitening.
Keywords: dentist, dental implants, emergency dentist, invisalign, teeth whitening
Interview Q&A
What is your primary product or service?
General dentistry, crowns, composite fillings, emergency dental care, extractions, prevention, dental exam, fluoride treatment, home care, dental sealants, gum disease, periodontal maintenance, cosmetic dentistry, veneers, bridges, dentures, invisalign braces, dental implants, teeth whitening
What are your hours of operation?
9a-6p Mon / 8a-5p Tue, Wed, Fri / 9a-3p Thu / 8a-1p Sat